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Science Genius Hour Project


The Genius Hour project from science shows that I am capable of being creative in ways to help people and make them feel better. This shows my skills as a student because it took a lot of writing and time in order to complete it. The project is called "Open When Letters", and every letter was assigned to a specific person in class. Depending on who the letter was for, they could have said many different things. Some of the letters included something that I may have liked about the person or advice with problems that I had seen or heard from them.


   The point of the letters are to make people feel better in rough situations or to make them think better of themselves. On the front of the letter it said "Open When..." and then gave them a specific time to open it. For example, one example said "Open When... you are bored".  In the letter I might have given the reader some things to do or told them to contact me so we could hang out. Usually I had found fun stuff to do on the internet and recommended it to them; as help and advice.


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