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Elective Tool Design Project


   This project/assignment shows that I have the ability to think logically of ways inorder to carry an object from one place to another with limited supplies. In this project my partner, August, and I created a spoon shaped thing in order to carry a golf ball from one basket to another. In order to do this we first took three bendy straws and tied them together with some tape. Then, we attached a sticky note that stuck up using 4 push pins. Then we broke a pencil in half and stuck each half on one side on the straws in order to cradle the golf ball.

   We then had a race with the rest of the class. It was kind of unfair because people were cheating, but I still had fun. We also had to fill in a worksheet online asking us question about the project. In order to get full credit, we had to answer very specifically what we did and how we thought of it. We also had to upload pictures of our design sketch and final product. We had to do this a lot but I really enjoyed this one because it made me think a lot using minimal products.


Tool design assignment link:

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