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What It's Like To Be An Adventure Student

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Being an Adventure student is difficult at the begininng of every year. Things to learn and people to meet, things can get very stressful. The start of this year wasn't as hard because I was here last year. I knew how things worked and how grades would be determined. The one really surprising change was that two 5th grade classes were here instead of one. This was a really big change because our classes were changed and one more was added. It also made the adventure campus seem smaller with the amount of people.

Being in adventure also means that you are part of an advanced group where they have expectations in all subjects. Being part of the advanced program, the projects are a lot more group based and have a high level of difficulty than elementary school. One thing that may be a bit of a set back for the group collaboration projects are that if one group member happens to be absent or sick for your work days, and they haven't done any work, they still get credit from the rest of the groups work. This is unfair in a lot of cases, especially with really big projects that are worth a lot of points. Plus, with the little amount of effort, this could cause your grade to go down because they chose not to participate.

   Adventure is about shaping the future of technology and advancing our brains into more intellectual thinkings. Because of this, technology is used more frequently then most schools, and we learn coding and software editing which is used in all classes. We learn the usues of advanced technology and how it can help and or destroy the economy. We learn that all jobs today use technology and require a typing skill (which we do in elective). The technology we use is based on imagination and expanding our mind in order to help us realize what we want to do after college and inspires us to want to keep moving on in our lives. We focus a lot on careers in engineering and computer software because these are good skills for really good jobs.

   The Adventure program is very strict on preparing us for high school and college, setting our life goals on the right track. From my personal experience of only two years, I'm sure that by 8th grade I'll be prepared for high school. With the running and class switching that I never got in elementary school, it gives me a very good look at what my future will be like. The transition into the advanced levels in every subject can be very difficult, but I've realized that if you just ask the teachers for help, they will be more than willing. Of course, it's their job.

   In conclusion, what it means to be an Adventure student can be many different things according to who you're asking. Of course the program is advanced, unique, and completely focused on shaping us as the future generation. They know where we land will make an impact on the world like everyone does, and they are hoping that our is for the better. Adventure is about shaping our minds and preparing us for the hard future ahead of us.



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