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What is it like to be an Adventure Student?

   Hello! My name is Kayla. If you have read the introduction to my previous years, you would know that I'm trying something different with this year. Adventure definitely gets in name from what happens in the classrooms. This entire program is an Adventure itself.

  Project upon project was given to the classes in order to help you understand everything you've learned and everything you're about to learn. The project in adventure are always difficult in the begining, but if you're ever confused don't be afraid to ask for help. With about 34 students in your class, atleast one of them should be able to help you.

   The teachers. Definetly something. Each teacher at Adventure is here to help you. They guide you through the core standards easily and the projects are always fun. When I first joined adventure 2 years ago in fifth grade, I didn't like to ask the teachers questions. But this year, I've been more open to wanting to understand what we were doing and I always asked questions. Trust me, you'll need to. 

   Finding help. In such a big and close program, you can always ask people for help. If you are in a lower grade, feel free to ask the upper grades what they did, especially the ones who have been here for the three years like I have. A lot of us are always willing to help you understand what to do because we've been in the same situation as you have. The teachers are always there for you to. Some even stay after school if you need any extra help. 

   Extra tips? Listen to the teachers. In class, you learn a lot in what may seem like a lot of time but it really isn't. Try not to miss anything in the lessons, and you'll mostly want to take lot's of notes in science and math class. Each teacher has different sets of rules, make sure you know each of them. Referrals (our attitude adjustment papers) can be given to you. DON"T BREAK THE RULES! And make sure you have a good year!






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