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Mad Dog spotted and shot down by One-shot Finch

A house maid surprised to first purchase

Shots Fired at Radley Household

Video footage of Radley house break-in

To Kill a MockingBird

       Quick Quiz - Jenna K.


Q1. What is Scout’s real name?


  1. Jean Louise Finch

  2. Jenna Jacobs Finch

  3. Isabella Louise Finch

  4. Lee Mae FInch


Q2. Whose house burns down?


  1. Atticus’s

  2. Boo Radley’s

  3. Miss Maudie’s

  4. Mr. Avery’s


Q3. What is Boo’s real name?


  1. Arthur

  2. Jacob

  3. Andrew

  4. Alex



Q4. Who fixes Jem’s pants?


  1. Scout

  2. Atticus

  3. Dill

  4. Boo



Q5. Who’s Scouts father?


  1. Boo Radley

  2. Jem

  3. Atticus

  4. Mr. Avery


Answers: Q1. A), Q2. C) , Q3. A), Q4. D), Q5. C)

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